
How Much is Your Dog Worth?

Ask me or my wife what our dogs are worth and we would tell you…whatever it takes. Our dogs are our family and nothing we could do would be enough in our view

Sadly…that’s not always the case

I recently read an article by a vet who mentioned that he has clients who would put their dog down before spending $900 on medical care. They hadn’t really bonded to her anyway., they continued.  (No wonder)

In my view, people like this are despicable and are unfit dog guardians.

I have ranted that if you have a dog, make sure to have some savings, an unused credit card, pet insurance…SOME KIND of PLAN in case of emergency

Killing your dog is not a plan …it is cruel, selfish and a disgusting notion

And unfortunately, it has been tantamount to the law of the land for eons.

The Law is NOT a Friend to Fido

The Texas Supreme Court ruled… against a Fort Worth family that sued for the sentimental value of their dog after it was mistakenly euthanized at a Fort Worth animal shelter.

The case was being watched by animal advocates, pet product manufacturers and veterinary groups after the Court of Appeals ruled that owners can claim sentimental value for their deceased pets, overturning a 120-year-old state Supreme Court decision stating that a person can only sue for the market value of a pet.

But the Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, stood by its precedent and said that a pet owner’s attachment to a family pet, while unquestionably, is also uncompensable..

(Veterinary groups sighed in relief upon learning that they would not have higher malpractice insurance rates and risks of liability for negligence.)

“We acknowledge the grief of those whose companions are negligently killed. Relational attachment is unquestionable. But it is also incomprehensible……

The Medlens sued after their dog,….. was mistakenly euthanized several years ago.

The dogs had escaped from the backyard during a thunderstorm…. Medlen went to the animal shelter to get his dog but found out he had to pay $80 … Medlen didn’t have the cash on hand but was told he could come back to claim Avery.

He returned to the shelter the next day,(and) learned that a veterinarian would have to implant a microchip in the dog. A “hold for the owner” sign was placed on the dog’s cage …… when he returned to he learned that his dog had been euthanized by mistake.

The gist of the ruling according to an attorney was that finding in favor of the family, ….would have a “devastating effect on the economy, forcing veterinarians to pay more for malpractice insurance and pet owners to pay more for vet visits.” END    excerpts  star-telegram.com and various sources

REALLY? Are they serious??  We live in a world where every gripe is now a civil rights issue… if you have it in your heart…take up the banner for the rights of our dogs simply to live…and an acknowledgment that their lives DO HAVE VALUE 

What is our dog worth?… each one is PRICELESS and worth the world to us        






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