
Homeland Security to Recruit Homeless Dogs

Homeland Security to Recruit Homeless Dogs

Shelter dogs given consideration for service to nation

In a recent announcement, The Department of Homeland Security stated it will now consider homeless dogs in dog pounds and “shelters” for its security dog programs.

Originally, the Department plan was to work with breeders to produce 1000’s of purebred Shepherds, Labradors, and Retrievers at a cost of more than $4500. per dog to work security in the program, but now that has changed.

After a persistent letter writing campaign spearheaded in part by PETA, the Department of Homeland Security has reconsidered and made the right choice in giving homeless dogs a chance to serve the nation in lieu of being imprisoned and executed in the nation’s dog pounds.

Dog pounds nationwide are full of ready to go dogs that are just right for service. The Department is looking for: Labradors, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, and other breeds that are big, friendly, smart and eager to work and help save lives.

The Department of Homeland Security now urges rescue facilities to submit applications for eligible dogs. However, at this point, few dogs can pass the stringent tests that DHS requires.

Dogs must be:

  • 12 to 36 months old
  • Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, German Shepherds, Dutch Shepherds, or Belgian Malinois
  • Alert, active, outgoing, and confident
  • Able to pass a series of tests for courage and toughness

If you are involved with a dog pound as a volunteer or employee and want to nominate a dog forservice please submit a proposal to the Department of Homeland Security at this address:

Att: Unsolicited Proposal
Officer Training and Development Division
Program Directorate
Office of Procurement
Customs and Border Protection Agency
1310 PA Ave, NW
Washington DC

While we are not always fans of PETA and believe some their tactics to be deplorable and extreme, we do applaud them in this effort and hope that it is the first step to an acknowledgment by the government of the value of homeless dogs waiting to be rescued in America’s dog pounds.

It might open the door for other breeds to be admitted to the program and for a new awareness of the special nature of dogs that may contribute to a variety of benefits including legislative changes impacting the value of a dog’s life for negligent care.

Please get involved in to your locale to help this program succeed, save the lives of dogs in pounds, help our nation and contribute to a better tomorrow for dogs everywhere

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