
Help for the Hyper Dog

Is Your Dog Hyper?

Many dogs always seem to be on the run or looking to play or
perhaps get into mischief 🙂

Energetic, enthusiastic dogs are typically healthy…but some may
be a bit too overactive…perhaps even hyperactive.

If you have ever wondered why your dog seems to be almost too energetic,
hyper, or a nervous nilly there are a few things to consider.

Sometimes Fido may be too stimulated by his environment, including
noise, other sounds aromas or things that they see such as moving
cars or other dogs. This can be too much stimulus for your dog and may
produce a reaction that seems to border on hyperactivity.

One thing you can do to alleviate this type of reaction is
to provide Fido with some quiet time when such stimuli abound. Much
like an afternoon at my wife’s day spa environment for her clients, a
quiet, relaxing place can soothe the soul and restore a sense of peace.

It is NOT a form of discipline…think of it as more like a reward !

Other dogs are just naturally hyperactive, or seemingly so.
If your dog is a wonderkid of energy, give him as much exercise as
you can..long walks, play at the park, throw a ball or a Frisbee and
let him expend his energy and be ready for a nice calm nap when you
get home .

Some dogs get bored and simply need some mental stimulation, such as
a new toy or game that you can play with him. Thinking is “hard” work
and an energy expender that can soon restore a calm state in Fido.

Still, other dogs may actually have a form of anxiety that is a product
of their environment, present or past or may be somewhat genetically
programmed into his breed /breed mix.

You may see evidence of anxiety in dogs that tend to chew things or their
paws almost incessantly. For these Fidos in our group your vet or
holistic practitioner may recommend a homeopathic remedy that is available
in pet stores everywhere.

There are several that we know of including Pet Eze and Rescue.
((Ask your vet or holistic practitioner before using any product for
your dog.))

Another effective solution is a Thundershirt that is a vest type garment
that has the effect of “swaddling” your pup or dog making him feel calmer
and safe.

I know they are carried in many mass retailers such as Petsmart and pet
stores of all sizes. We tried it for one of our rescues and it did seem
to help.

Take time and find the cause of stress and work with your dog to help
him alleviate anxiety (or expend excess energy).

If he is a rescue he may have had horrible life experiences producing
anxiety.. If not, he may just need some exercise !

Whatever the cause, he is your best friend and deserves your help.
You’ll both benefit as a result !

Inspired in part by a newsletter piece from petplace.com

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