
Handicapped Dogs


Generally, when people decide to adopt or rescue a dog, the first thought that comes to mind is that cute puppy they saw in a pet store or happily playing in their neighbor’s front yard.

There is no doubt that a healthy young puppy can be a wonderful addition to any household. And a lively, already house trained, ready to go adult pooch can be just the perfect addition for a busy household looking for a ‘ready to go’ companion.

Perfect puppy, perfect adult dog, what can be better than that? The answer may surprise you but the most rewarding experience that you ever have may be the time your life is blessed by the company of a handicapped dog.

I have had the opportunity to spend untold hours in hospitals for patients of the human variety. I’ve seen children stricken with cancer, elderly folks propped up in bed during their final illness, someone’s former husband or wife, alone and suffering through an illness, praying for a chance to be needed again.

In every age group, with every infirmity, there remains in the heart of the afflicted a desire to love and be loved. I would sometimes stop and chat for a moment or two with such a patient on their way to their next medical procedure or grabbing a few moments of freedom during a wheelchair ride.

Anxious to interact they would recount stories of their youth, times they spent fishing, with family, being needed.

The very same analogy applies to handicapped dogs. Whether born with a deformity, injured in an accident, abused or recovering from a medical condition, these dogs yearn to love and be loved. Having endured so much to survive they want nothing more than to show their appreciation, their love, and to share the wisdom that only a soul that has endured much is capable of.handicapped dog

When you adopt a handicapped dog you will become a student. A student of life, a student of love, a student of compassion, and you will have a teacher who will be your most joy-filled companion in life’s adventures.

If you are ready to adopt a handicapped dog in her journey of life you must be prepared to give her your time and necessary resources such as a doggy wheelchair.

In return, you will be repaid by an experience that will ingrain upon your heart and soul a perspective that will stay with you for the remainder of your life. Lucky dog, lucky you. 🙂

Start your search for a handicapped dog now by Clicking Here

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