
Canine Obesity

The problem of canine obesity has now hit epidemic proportions, endangering the health and longevity of many dogs in the U.S.

Banfield Hospitals addressed this very serious problem and I will provide a few excerpts so that you can get the gist of this study.

Here it is………………………….

“Overweight and obesity have reached epidemic levels in dogs….in the United States, is overweight affecting approximately 1 in 5 dogs…..

Although some might consider pets to be cuter or happier when they are overweight, the truth is, being overweight is linked to other serious conditions
such as arthritis, heart and respiratory problems.

The easiest way to tell whether overweight or obese is to weigh the pet regularly and assess the pet’s body condition.

Pets are considered to have an overweight body condition when their ribs, spine and hip bones can barely be felt when touching their body, a defined waist cannot be seen and belly fat is noticeable.

Additionally, pets may be unable to engage in normal activity because of this excess body fat and may have difficulty breathing, particularly when active.

The Bottom line
Dogs… are getting fatter. The prevalence of excess body weight has increased by 37 percent in dogs….since 2007.

Mature adult dogs…. are more at risk for being overweight than pets of other age groups.

Mature adult large breed dogs are most at risk, with about 1 in 5 (28 percent) diagnosed as overweight in 2011.” End stateofpethealth.com

So what does all this mean? It’s rather simple…. your dogs must keep an appropriate weight throughout his/her life to have the best chance at a long and healthy life.

If obesity is a problem for us…the same goes for Fido.

For the past decade, I have been amazed at how many XXXL shirts are sold in retail stores from coast to coast.

America has become lazy and in many cases, sadly FAT. If Fido needs to trim down a bit why not check his diet to make sure it is top quality and not full of fillers? Then start an exercise program that can be as simple as longer and more frequent walks.

It’s fun..and you know what…it will be good for both of you. I know because we do it with and for our crew..every single day.


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